Unmasking Misconceptions: A Former Disciple’s Perspective on the Recent Allegations Against TB Joshua and SCOAN

Having devoted a significant portion of my life as an earnest disciple within the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), I am compelled to articulate my perspectives in response to the recent fabricated BBC report against the person of Prophet TB Joshua. This discourse endeavours to present a nuanced viewpoint from an individual intimately connected with SCOAN for numerous years, having witnessed firsthand the impact of TB Joshua’s ministry.

As someone who has spent considerable time within the SCOAN community, I find it challenging to reconcile the allegations of physical violence and torture levelled against TB Joshua. Throughout my tenure, I observed a steadfast commitment to fostering a community founded on love, compassion, and spiritual growth. These accusations appear incongruent with the organizational ethos I witnessed and experienced.

The report alleges numerous instances of sexual assault and forced abortions, accusations that I, as a former disciple, find deeply unsettling. My personal encounters within SCOAN did not reveal an environment conducive to such heinous acts. TB Joshua’s teachings and private lifestyle consistently exemplified love, humility, respect, integrity, and empathy.

The report also posits manipulation in the realm of miracle healings. However, my tenure within SCOAN disclosed a sincere dedication to faith in action. I bore witness to numerous faith healings and deliverances. Personally involved in the registration process for the sick and afflicted before placement on SCOAN’s prayer line, I can attest to the meticulous verification process involving medical reports from government-recognized hospitals, both before and after healing.

The article highlights a perceived silence from SCOAN in response to previous allegations. Prophet TB Joshua is known for refraining from responding to criticism and distractions, urging aggrieved parties to seek appropriate authorities for investigation. Moreover, historical instances of false accusations against the Prophet, followed by apologies from the accusers upon returning to SCOAN, further justify his non-engagement with accusers.

In my years within SCOAN, I witnessed numerous lives positively transformed through TB Joshua’s teachings. His dedication to philanthropy, social welfare, and spiritual guidance left an indelible mark on many lives. It is imperative to recognize the holistic impact of his work.

As a former disciple who cherishes the impactful encounter of my time within SCOAN, I felt compelled to share a perspective that challenges recent allegations. I can boldly say that those allegations are not true, they are false and fabricated by those behind the conspiracy to tarnish the cherished image of Prophet TB Joshua.

While acknowledging the severity of the accusations, it is crucial to approach the situation with an open mind, recognizing the motives for their misinterpretations and misinformation. The truth is that these persons are poisoned to linger in a generational battle against the life and legacy of Prophet TB Joshua, but with God, the SCOAN and Prophet TB Joshua will triumph.

Remain Blessed! Emmanuel! God is With Us!!

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