“Remain a Soldier for God”: Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s Powerful Message on Faith and Belief

In a ministration on Sunday 28th January 2024, Pastor Evelyn Joshua, the wife of the late Prophet TB Joshua, delivered a compelling message on the importance of faith and the dangers of unbelief. Before delving into a session of praying for the sick and afflicted, she emphasized the need to cultivate an atmosphere of faith, drawing inspiration from a previous message by Prophet TB Joshua titled “An Atmosphere of Unbelief.”

Referencing Mark 6:1-6, Pastor Evelyn highlighted the challenges that an atmosphere of unbelief can pose to experiencing God’s power. She drew parallels to Jesus Christ’s experience in His hometown, where unbelief hindered the manifestation of divine miracles. Pastor Evelyn noted that lack of knowledge often leads to rejection of God’s servants and emphasized the significance of faith in overcoming such obstacles.

Quoting Prophet TB Joshua, Pastor Evelyn addressed the issue of name-calling and dishonor towards God’s servants. She echoed the sentiment that a nation that dishonors its own remains a consumer nation. Emphasizing the power of faith, she stated, “Faith makes the impossible, possible; faith will make you see what the God Almighty is looking at.”

In a heartfelt encouragement to the congregation, Pastor Evelyn urged believers to avoid the trap of doubting their faith. She emphasized the importance of remaining steadfast as soldiers for God and Christ Jesus. The exhortation included a call to stand firm at one’s post, maintaining focus, and trusting in Christ’s eternal presence. Pastor Evelyn assured the faithful that coming to Christ would bring immeasurable blessings.

Pastor Evelyn Joshua’s message serves as a powerful reminder of the role faith plays in a believer’s journey. Her call to remain soldiers for God and Christ Jesus echoes the teachings of Prophet TB Joshua. As believers strive for an atmosphere of faith, they are encouraged to stand firm, avoid doubt, and trust in the unchanging God. The full message can be watched on YouTube and Rumble, offering a deeper understanding of the transformative power of faith in the face of unbelief.

Watch the Message on YouTube and Rumble:


TB Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel TV

“And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. And suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and every one’s bands were loosed.” Acts 16:25-34

If anyone lived a life of thanksgiving to God, it was Prophet TB Joshua. If anyone knew the power of praise, he was the one. He saw every moment as an opportunity to honour God before men. He taught us that every time we say thank you Jesus, we are building our relationship with God.

Prophet TB Joshua spent his life building righteousness, building the temple of God in his heart, through hymns, spiritual songs, making melodies in his heart to the Lord. He knew that one can pray amiss but never, ever, ever praise amiss.

What are you facing today? The greatest source of human worry is about tomorrow. If you are worried or anxious about what the future holds, create time to reflect over God’s track record in your life. Remember the more difficult and trying situations God has taken you through in the past. When you begin to count God’s blessings in your life, your worries, your fears and your doubts will fly away.



Tb Joshua Ministries,The SCOAN

Exodus 14:13 – “Moses answered the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

When Moses said, “Don’t be afraid”, he equally meant to say, “Overcome your fear” for fear is a thief of faith and hope. When our troubles seem unyielding to our prayers, it is in our own interest to get above our fear by leaving it to God. Don’t think of saving yourself by fighting a natural battle! ‘Be still’, means, ‘be calm, confident and determined’. God does not need our effort or assistance to carry out His promises of deliverance.

God revealed to Moses what He would do in the circumstances and he believed. Moses was saying to the people, ‘Don’t waver in your faith; be steadfast and be still – have peace of heart, have confidence in the God you believe in. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again; the trouble you see today you will never see again’ (Exodus 14:13). Their enemies were frustrated and immediately they surrendered.

➡️ Lord, let my enemy see Your finger in my life, get frustrated and surrender because You have set a table before me in the presence of my enemy.
➡️ What is your problem? Ask God to give you the grace to always cast your burdens upon Him as Moses did in his encounter with the Egyptian army at the Red Sea.
➡️ Lord, in my encounter with the evil forces, teach me the way I should go as You did the Israelites at the Red Sea.
➡️ Instruct me the way I should go as You did Moses in his encounter.
➡️ Save me from the wicked plans of my adversaries as You did Daniel in the lions’ den.
➡️ Deliver me from every generational curse as You did Jabez.
➡️ Lord, give me power to face all the challenges of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
➡️ I loose myself from the bondage of fear, in Jesus’ name!


Tb Joshua, The SCOAN, Emmanuel Tv

Today, we are no longer conscious of our sin. That is why we come to Jesus with our petition and complaints without any regard for His purity. Jesus knows who we were, who we are and who we shall be. In other words, Jesus knows our past, present and future. Peter was conscious of his sin. That was why he asked Jesus to depart from him, knowing that the purity of Jesus might not tolerate his sinful nature. Many of us would not come to church today if we had not been made sensible by the vicissitudes of life, the ups and downs of life. I mean, you have exhausted all the advantages you felt you had in the world and now you are so tired and sick of the world, that is why you are now ready to embrace the superior order of Christ. Remember, in Christ’s new order there is peace, not as the world gives; there is blessing, not as the world gives; there is deliverance, not as the world gives and there is healing, not as the world gives (John 14:27).

Life is too short to waste time on things that have no lasting significance or value. If we know that our time is limited – I mean, everyone has a beginning and an end – we should make the most of life. By putting your trust in Christ, knowing that only He can give lasting value to our lives, as we look ahead to a new day we can say with the Psalmist, ‘My hope is in You.’ God alone can deliver us from a life of meaningless activities.


Tb Joshua, SCOAN Prophet

Have Faith in God

If we have faith in God, we should not just believe in Him when we encounter extraordinary events and face impossible tasks or absolute perils. Not only should we know God as our sovereign, supreme Lord but we should know Him like children know their fathers. We are constantly under His care and protection. The powers of the Heavens are behind us and backing us up so that in all things we can overcome through the Divine power.

We speak about faith and say man ought to have faith in God but how should one have faith? We have faith in God through the daily things around us. What is faith? Faith is a heart that believes in God through ordinary circumstances. If we examine our daily lives, we will find out how much faith we have. Empty profession of faith will not help us at all. Faith is manifested in the small things in our daily lives. The Bible is full of promises for every matter. As long as we have faith, God will work for us.


Find what God has to say

“Many today have ignorantly changed the course of events in their lives without finding out what God says about it. Why? Because they are afraid of the pain and suffering they would go through in the course of their trials. God sometimes uses disappointment to achieve His purpose in our lives. Consider the case of Peter at the seaside after the fruitless effort all night. Imagine the disappointment that could have been written all over his face as he washed his empty net by the riverside. Little would he have known that his failure to catch fish that night was meant to preserve him for a new level in life. Were he to catch fish early enough, he would have gone home earlier, thus missing the Saviour who would change the course of his life forever (Luke 5:1-11).

“From my personal experience for instance, many things I went through eventually turned out to be necessary conditions for the grace of God in my life today. Which area will I mention? Is it my circumstance of birth, parentage, education, lean finances? All these were sufficient to make any other person seek shortcuts in order to change the course of events. Assuming I allowed my situation to dictate my direction, I would have been tempted to seek a shortcut and thus change the divine plan in my life. From what you see in my life today, certainly there was an unseen hand directing the affairs of my life, then and now.”

– Prophet T.B. Joshua



tb joshua“At least 50% of us here are a good example of what I am talking about. Some years ago, your impression about T.B. Joshua was so bad. Many of you were asked to pray against me in different meetings. But I refused to pray against you – because I knew you were coming here one day. While you were asking God to loose and bind me, I kept quiet because I knew you were coming. You are welcome! Let’s assume while you were binding and loosing me, I stood here to bind and loose you. If you cannot bind me, I would have bound you. If you cannot loose me, I would have loosed you. You took a stone and threw it at me. Instead of me take it and throw it back, I kept the stone – because I knew you were coming back here.

“Today, we destroy relationships beyond repair. But when you know that the person who is bad now can be the best tomorrow, you will take precaution. Someone who is satan to you today can be your savior tomorrow. That is life. Somebody who is after your life today – who wants to kill you – you will be very surprised that tomorrow, he may become your saviour. I don’t destroy relationships beyond repair. If I have you as a friend, no matter what you have done to me, I will make sure I will not destroy relationship beyond repair – because I know tomorrow, you may be my saviour.

“Today, you destroy relationships beyond repair because of challenges and conflict. You have been destroying your relationships with people beyond repair because of conflict, trouble and challenges. You can fight but be conscious that the person you are fighting may be your saviour tomorrow. Don’t destroy that relationship beyond repair.

“That is the life I live. When I know the argument is too hot, I am quiet – because I don’t want to destroy a relationship beyond repair. People say, ‘That man will not talk.’ That is my slogan. The reason is that I don’t want to destroy a relationship beyond repair because the man I am fighting may be my saviour tomorrow. It is better I choose the side of silence. If I remain silent, you don’t know what is in my mind. The man that is fighting me may be my savior tomorrow – tomorrow is a mystery.” – Sunday 30th April 2017

TB Joshua Ministries


tb joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua

“Ask God to give you strength so that you will not give up. When you are in the midst of a battle, you are building yourself. It’s good. Where you are not celebrated, where you are being persecuted, where they are after you – it is the best place for you to live. All of this will build you. Gold cannot be gold unless it passes through a furnace. Human character too needs to pass through the furnace. That is why I decided to stay where I am not celebrated here in Nigeria. I stayed here to build the grace of God. When the grace of God is in the midst of challenges, it gets stronger.

“The same thing with your marriage – if your marriage is having challenges, don’t give up. Ask God. Don’t let challenges cause you to quit; let God. In your business, marriage and relationships – challenges should not cause you to quit. If you allow challenges to make you quit, you are running from strength and more grace. Don’t let challenges quit you but God. God should say you should leave, not challenges. Challenges are a grace to strengthen and equip you more.

“When you are in the midst of challenges, ask God whether you should quit or not. No matter what they say about your wife or husband, don’t let it cause you to quit your marriage. If they say your business partner is dishonest or a duper, don’t let that quit your business. But today, you quit your business, relationships and everything you do because of challenges. You quit your village because of witches and wizards. You divorce because of challenges. Everywhere are challenges. You should see challenges as a blessing in this regard, not an enemy. See challenges as a blessing, not an enemy. See me. I refuse to quit because of challenges; my challenges turn to blessings!

“Viewers all over the world, take this. Don’t quit your marriage because of challenges. Whatever they say about your wife or husband – don’t quit your marriage. Ask God. In every situation, God has something to say. If you ask God, He will tell you what to do. Sometimes, these challenges are blessings to strengthen marriage and relationships. If you see a great marriage today, ask them and they will tell you how many times great challenges came. They refuse to quit. Today, they are role-models. Ask them what they have gone through and they will tell you a story that you could not bear, a story that divorced your marriage or separated you from your relationship – yet they stood together.” – Sunday 30th April 2017

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TB Joshua Ministries


tb joshua sermon

You are what you are because of your weakness. It is an entrance to satan. Let us close that door. The Bible says that no one can keep every commandment but as we strive to, we grow. We grow everyday as we block our weaknesses.

Your character is God in you. If you don’t want satan to enslave you, work on your character. As from today, don’t say, “God, bless me”, “God, save me from the situation I am in” – pray against your weakness.

Go straight to pray against your weakness because satan uses our weakness to enter us. If you close that place, no more satan. Your situation is not your enemy; your weakness is your enemy. Whatever situation you are in is not your enemy because it makes you to see the need of God. Therefore, when weakness strikes, draw closer to God; don’t run from God because of weakness.

In our struggle against weakness, remember that we are not perfect but we can strive towards perfection because we have perfection by our side – Jesus Christ (Matthew 5:48).

TB Joshua Ministry


tb Joshua sermon

John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

According to the Scriptures, Jesus is the truth, the reality. There is no reality outside Him. Everything else is merely chasing shadows (Colossians 2:17).At some point in our lives, we hunger for meaning in our lives and thirst to find the truth. If you have not experienced the truth, there would be a sense of dissatisfaction in your life. If you have not encountered God, you do not know the truth – what life is all about and what happens when this life is over. Let us live in the truth. All the fruit of the Spirit are equal to truth (Ephesians 5:9). If you miss one, you miss all. If your relationship with God is not in spirit, it is not in truth and so it is all nothing because God is Spirit and those who worship Him must do so in Spirit and in truth. Freedom from sickness, disease, afflictions and pain come from knowing the truth. Stop fighting the truth because the truth never loses the battle. Only the truth can see you through the daily battle with the senses.

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, may we know Your Truth and may the Truth set us free in reality, in Jesus’ name.

TB Joshua Ministry