tb joshua scoan

Prophet T.B. Joshua

A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for healing me”, even when the pain is yet there. A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for blessing me”, even when the signs of poverty are yet there. A man of faith would say, “Thank You, Jesus, for setting me free”, even when he is yet to obtain real freedom. A man of faith is not overwhelmed by the happenings around but looks beyond them. This is the kind of faith Jesus expressed in His Father during His earthly ministry.

For example, in John 11:41, Jesus thanked His Father for hearing Him, even when He was yet to pray. This was an expression of absolute trust in His Father that He (the Father) was working out the answer. Remember, when Jesus was thanking God, Lazarus was still in the grave; but as a man of faith, Jesus would not be overwhelmed by what was seen. What was seen was the dead Lazarus in the tomb. Remember, Jesus was thanking His Father in the anticipation of what He was expecting. He gave testimony of what had happened in the past (John 11:42).

Realise that many would like to be like you, if they could. Whatever situation you are in, the way you handle it matters. Remember, the whole world is watching you, among them, your friends and foes. When Jesus wept at the death of Lazarus, some said, “See how He loved him” (John 11:36), while others said, ‘Don’t mind Him. He is only pretending’. Remember, none of these comments mattered to Jesus; He was not overwhelmed as a man of faith. He knew that if one must obtain victory, one should learn to appreciate the good works of God and His presence around one.

Jesus did this in two ways: First, He began to testify to the good works of God, then thanked Him in the anticipation of the better things to come. This is the kind of faith Jesus expects of us today. How many of you today that are sick would say, “Thank You, Lord, for healing me”, whereas, you are still in pain? Remember, when Jesus was thanking God, Lazarus was yet in the grave. How many of you that are poor would say, “Thank You, Lord, for blessing me”, whereas you are still poor?


I have many friends in the intelligence agencies both within Nigeria and outside. I was at Harrow School, Kelly College and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom with many that ended up in M15 and M16 and their sister agencies all over the world and we are friends till today.

Most of them are decent, law-abiding patriots whose purpose is simply to ensure that their country is safe and that its citizens are well-protected.

One of them, who is a good friend of mine till today and who actually heads a formidable and weĺl-known intelligence agency, recently told me that he sees his country as a plane that is in mid-flight which is being flown and piloted by the politicians and whoever may be the President, Head of State or Prime Minister at any given point in time.

He said the role of the intelligence services is to ensure that the engine of that plane runs well and that it does not overheat or knock whilst the flight is in motion and whilst the plane is in mid-air.

This is a profound description and eloquent testimony of what the intelligence agencies are meant to do. And all over the world most of them do it very well.

These are mostly courageous and patriotic men and women who live in the grey areas of our mutual existence, who operate in the murky world of secrecy and subtefuge, who do jobs and carry out operations that few of us can do, who are hardly celebrated and who are mostly unsung yet who do such a great job at keeping us safe and who carry out such a vital and critical role. Without them we would be lost.

There is, however, also a darker side. I say this because, generally speaking, these are people that are obsessed with secrecy and haunted by some of the atrocities that they and their friends and associates may have commited in the past.

A few of them are cold-blooded and have multiple personalities. Worse still they are almost sociopathic in nature. They have no feeling, empathy or sympathy for their targets, their victims, the subjects of their enquiries or the objects of their interest.

Most relevant of all is the fact that they do not always operate within the confines and parameters of the law.

Sometimes they do the most hideous and barbaric things which is why their oath and culture of secrecy unto death is so vital.

They can be very nice and pleasant on the surface but below that they are utterly ruthless and exceptionally dangerous.

Their Nigerian counterparts are no different and I have worked closely with many of them over the years.

As it is with all intelligence agents and spies,

deception and deceit is their language and their loyalty is, more often than not, to the state than to their friends and family members.

That is their training and I guess no-one can blame them for that. Finally they operate like a cult and they literally have their own strange code of conduct and coded language which is exclusive to them.

Yet despite this chilling and grim analysis quite a few of them are humane and decent people who have a deep sense of what is right and wrong and who, more often than not, wish to make amends for some of the horrific things they have done or witnessed in the past.

It was from a few of those that share this kind, generous and charitable disposition that I was given the true picture of things and the relevant information about what really happened to Prophet T.B. Joshua’s church and how and why it was brought down.

I will not mention their names but I will tell their story. And that story is as follows.

They told me why the operation was carried out, how those involved covered it up and how they attempted to hit TB Joshua the second time but failed.

They told me that it was the same group of operatives that were behind the fatal “crash” of General Patrick Azazi’s (the former National Security Advisor) helicopter and how Governor Patrick Yakowa (the Governor of Kaduna state) was purposely lured on that helicopter in order for them to literally “kill two birds with one stone”.

They told me how the operation was conducted by rogue elements in the intelligence agencies without the knowledge of Mr. Eta Ekpeyong, the head of the Department of State Security (DSS) at the time who was totally loyal to Jonathan but with the knowledge and support of a handful of disloyal and ruthless senior operatives from other arms of the intelligence agencies who provided the logistics, hardware, man-power and funding for the operation.

They told me that there was a foreign component to the whole affair which I will touch on in part 3 of this essay.

They told me that there was a religious dimension to the whole affair and about how a group of fifth columists within the security agencies in Jonathan’s government had sworn that they would destabilise his government and either kill him or stop him from coming back in 2015 and how they assisted the then opposition by providing them with sensitive and often false information to use against the government.

Their view was that the country must not be ruled by a Southerner or a Christian and that Jonathan must be stopped at all costs.

T.B. Joshua’s crime was that he knew too much and that he was secrety exposing their plans to those that cared for Jonathan. He needed to be discredited, stopped, “kept busy”, rubbished or permanently silenced.

In part 3 of this essay I will go much futher into this matter and expose far more about this issue but for now two things remains clear.

That firstly the entire horrendous episode and the terrible tragedy that occured in T.B. Joshua’s church must be revisited and properly investigated by the security agencies with a view to bringing the real perpetrators, and not their victims and targets, to justice.

And that secondly the Nigerian people would do well to question ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that their government (and I mean ALL governments and not just the Buhari administration) tells them about such events or that they read, watch or listen to in what President Donald Trump so eloquently describes as the “mainstream media” (MSM).

At this point readers may ask, do intelligence agencies and governments actually kill people? Unfortunately the answer to that question is “yes, they do”.

This is especially so when they believe it is in the national security interest to do so or when they want to discredit or weaken the government that they purport to serve.

It is also pertinent to note that when they do these horrendous things they always look for someone else or some innocent group of people to use as scapegoats, to blame it on and to carry the can.

Many innocent people have either gone to jail or have been executed as consequence of this.

One should also note that oftentimes they use violent criminal networks and bloodthirsty gangsters to do their dirty work for them.

In return they give such men of the underworld official protection and sometimes even funding.

Consequently when we hear that people were eliminated by the local mafia, a group of armed robbers or any other criminal gang, they may well have done so at the behest of one of the intellingence agencies and they would have been well paid for it.

As the great writer and analyst David Icke often says, “nothing is ever as it seems or appears”.

This is the way things work in the dark “cloak and dagger” world of intelligence and espionage and this is the way things are done by what has come to be known and universally described as “the system”.

In the parlance of that murky world they call such practices “extreme measures”, “special ops” or “black ops” and those that actually carry out such operations (i.e. the footsoldiers that actually pull the triggers or detonate the bombs) are referred to as “wet boys” because what they do is not only deadly but also wet and messy.

It is a universal practice and it is something that is well-known to anyone that has ever been in the inner circles or corridors of power. It is also utterly evil and godless.

We shall look into their modus operandi in more depth with special reference to what happened in TB Joshua’s Church in the third and final part of this contribution. (TO BE CONTINUED).

BY Femi Fani-Kayode


A few weeks ago I tweeted that I would write an essay about the bombing of a building at Prophet Temitope Balogun Joshua’s Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN).

Though I have been writing essays and contributing to the public discourse for over 27 years, I have never received the number of threats from known and unknown sources as I did after that tweet.

Yet I am not deterred. As a matter of fact such threats always strenghen my resolve to stand firm, do the right thing and dig even deeper.

I am a servant of truth and the voice of the voiceless: I cannot be intimidated and I will not be silenced.

Part of my calling is to speak truth to power, to stand up for the oppressed and to speak up for the victims of barbarity, persecution, wickedness and injustice and I will not shy away from doing so on this occassion.

Prophet TB Joshua started his ministry 30 years ago in 1987 when he founded his Church. He is a strong and credible voice in the Body of Christ in Nigeria.

He is a respected and much-loved Christian leader who is doing great works and wonders for the Kingdom of God both in and outside of our country. He is reverred in many nations in the world, including numerous countries in South America, South East Asia, Africa, Europe, the far East, Israel, Lebanon, India and the United States of America where he is a regular visitor that is welcomed and received with much love and enthuisiasm.

Such is his following that it is on record that out of every 10 foreigners that visit Nigeria every year, 6 of them have come to spend time in T.B. Joshua’s Church and receive ministration from him.

Yet despite all these laudable achievements it is clear that he has many enemies.

I am not a member of his Church, I have never worshipped there and neither do I have any reason to defend him or to speak up for him other than the fact that, in my humble opinion, in this particular case and matter, he and his Church members are undoubtedly the primary targets and victims of injustice, wickedness and what can only be described as nothing less than pre-meditated and cold-blooded mass murder.

They are also the subjects of one of the greatest cover-ups in Nigerian history and of a massive and well-orchestrated disinformation campaign.

It says a lot for him, his resilience, his ministry, his calling, his members and the enormous amount of strength and grace that he enjoys from the Living God that, despite the sheer hell that he has been put through as a consequence of these ugly events and tragic affair, he has refused to be broken or silenced.

Rather than capitulate he has risen to the occasion, gone from strength to strength, stoically accepted the numerous challenges that he has been faced with and stood firm in the preaching of the gospel and in the battle against the Kingdom of darkness.

He has also refused to be cowed and instead has stood-by, comforted and assisted the families of those who lost their loved ones in this brutal attack as best as he could.

The truth is that whether his detractors wish to admit it or not, T.B. Joshua has weathered the storm well and he remains one of the most respected and celebrated Pastors and men of God in Nigeria today and certainly one of the most internationally-acknowledged and acclaimed of them all.

The truth is that there is nothing that is ordinary about this man. It appears that the more his haters (and there are many of them in Nigeria) throw bricks at him and seek his downfall, the more he grows, prospers and increases. Only God can do this for any human being.

Like those that are healed of numerous ailments by the Holy Spirit in his Church, his strength and survival and his uncanny readiness and ability to continue to spread love and charity to the poor, the weak, the challenged, the despised and the helpless all over the world, regardless of his own personal challenges, is not only exemplary but also borders on the miraculous.

The truth is that if the events that I am about to describe had happened to ANY other person or man of God in this country I am not sure that they would have been able to survive it.

To all intents and purposes Joshua is a mystery. He is a modern-day enigma.

He is a profoundly good man whose humility is second to none, who is deeply courageous and who is filled with the light and power of the Spirit of God.

Yet his towering status, his selfless ministry and his good works is hardly the point here. If what he was subjected to three years ago had happened to anyone else and if the details were brought to my attention I would have written about it and exposed it in exactly the same way that I am about to do now.

Today I present the first and second parts of this essay. I have almost finished part three, which is the most telling of them all and, once done, I will release it after those whose names that I have mentioned have been duly consulted and informed.

Here I have written what I believe is the truth. I have risked my life and the life of my sources by doing so but I have no regrets.

It is for us to do as we are led by the Holy Spirit and it is for God to protect us. I leave all to Him and I give Him the glory.

Here we go.

One of the single greatest atrocities perpetuated by rogue elements in our intelligence agencies in modern history was the blowing up of a guest house in Prophet TB Joshua’s church which resulted in the death of approximately 116 people, most of whom were foreigners. This took place on September 12th 2014.

The perpertrators of this utterly barbaric act were the same people that covertly and cleverly spun the tale that the building collapsed as a result of a weak foundation and fed that pernicious lie to a gullible and easily manipulated Nigerian media.

As trusting as ever, the Nigerian people bought this hideous mendacity lock, stock and barrel whilst many prominent clerics and Church leaders who were envious of Joshua’s rising profile, power and popularity revelled in the lie and helped to preach, spread, perpetuate and consolodate it.

They argued that the building was built without the relevant permits and conveniently overlooked the fact that, according to my sources at Alausa, Lagos state, between 60 and 70 percent of buildings in the environs and suburbs of Lagos state either never had a building permit in the first place, procured one only after the relevant building was constructed or have fake ones which were procured through bribes.

That being the case it seems strange that far many more buildings have not collapsed in Lagos if the assumption is that they ALL have weak foundations.

The “weak foundation as a consequence of no building permit theory” appears to me to be implausible. In my view it lacks credibility and it is in fact a false and fake narrative.

This was not the cause of the tragedy and the real cause was far more sinister and macabre than that.

The motive for the attack was to silence and discredit Joshua who, by that time, had become a thorn in the flesh of many within the corridors of power simply because he was exposing the deepest secrets about what was going on in the country and those who were covertly working against former President Goodluck Jonathan.

He went as far as to prophesy and predict everything that would happen in the 2015 election which was scheduled to hold two years later, with great accuracy, if President Goodluck Jonathan did not remove certain people (whose names were mentioned) within his government and inner circle.

The counsel was put on record and when I was doing my research for this write up I actually read the transcripts of this interesting discourse and I was utterly amazed at the accuracy of his predictions.

The attack involved the use of certain members of our intelligence agencies who used a large remote-controlled drone to fly over the building and who then activated an explosive device which had been planted in the building days earlier with the drone.

There is a video on Youtube of the drone hovering at very close range over the building three times just before it collapsed. I urge readers to look for it and view it. HERE

After the third time the entire building collapsed like a pack of cards. This was AFTER a loud explosion, which was clearly heard by many of the survivors within and outside of the building, shattered the tranquility, peace and silence of the structure and blew out its foundations.

Sadly many people were killed and even more were badly injured. This was Nigeria’s own 911 but unlike the real 911 the victims were never properly celebrated or mourned and the perpertrators were never identified or brought to justice.

The whole thing appears to have been covered up and those in high places in the intelligence agencies at the time, having discovered that this was yet another rogue operation by a group of fifth columnists within the security apparatus who were keen on silencing the Presidents friends and who wanted to use the operation to embarass and terrify their perceived enemies and adversaries, decided to brush the whole thing under the carpet and keep it quiet.

The trauma that the families that lost their loved ones suffered, most of whom were South Americans, Europeans, white South Africans and other foreigners was harrowing and unimaginable and the outrage that was expressed by the Nigerian public as a consequence of it was, rightly, unprecedented.

Even greater and more pronuonced was the pain, anguish and deep sense of loss of Prophet TB Joshua himself and members of his SCOAN Church who were utterly devastated by this horrendous and tragic event, this inexplicable slaughter and this frightful and unexpected loss of the lives of their friends, colleagues, loved ones and Church members.

Such was the outrage from members of the public in Lagos as a result of the matter that the Federal and State Governments felt that they had to act fast in order to manage the fall-out from the whole ugly episode.

And this is where things went badly wrong. In a typical Nigerian manner, instead of digging deep and patiently trying to establish the relevant facts and setting in motion a forensic-based and professional investigation, the security agencies looked for a scapegoat, turned on the man of God, made him the subject of a criminal investigation and claimed that the building collapsed because it had weak foundations and because it had not been properly built.

They ignored all the evidence that suggested that there was far more to the matter than that and instead sold this unlikely and utterly absurd narrative and dummy to the Nigerian people and the international community.

They then proceeded to initiate criminal proceedings against Joshua and some of his Church members and sought to discredit, disgrace, shame and utterly destroy him.

With this they had managed to divert attention away from the real cause of the collapse of the building, they had found an easy and convenient scapegoat and consequently the real perpertrators managed to escape any form of suspicion or scrutiny. (TO BE CONCLUDED).

BY Femi Fani-Kayode

Manchester United Academy and England U17 Captain healed by TB Joshua

In today, April, 23 Sunday services at the Synagogue Church of all nations, SCOAN Lagos, Nigeria, aspiring football star Angel Gomes, 16 years old from Manchester, UK, who came to the SCOAN due to leg injuries, was among those that were healed during the massive ministration of healings and deliverances by Prophet T.B. Joshua. Angel Gomes plays with the under 17 Manchester United Academy and is presently the Captain of the under 17 England Team. Despite huge hopes for his future, regular injuries, coupled with hip and groin pain had begun to fade the glory ahead of him.

“I’ve known The SCOAN for a long time” he said, as his family are avid fans of Emmanuel TV and when time permitted, would regularly join to watch. So, when threats to his bright future loomed, it only seemed right for Angel to visit the church he had been watching many others healed and set free from hindrances trying to hold them back or down from their bright destinies.

He explained that anytime important matches would come up, he would have an injury or pain would emerge affecting his performance. At The SCOAN, he asked Prophet T.B. Joshua to help him, knowing what was at stake. Prophet T.B. Joshua responded with Spirit-filled prayer tapping Angel’s affected legs.

Immediately after the prayer the young footballer started exercising – jumping up and down to confirm his healing. He spoke afterwards to testify that the hip and groin pain had gone instantly. With trials for the Euro 2017 U-17 tournament coming up this week for Gomes, truly the best is yet to come!

‘T.B. Joshua’s church was bombed!!!’ – Femi Fani Kayode

Fani kayode gejNigeria’s former Minister of Aviation, Femi Fani Kayode, has made a staggering revelation on Facebook about the building that fatally collapsed within The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations premises in September 2014.

According to Kayode, “There are strong speculations that Prophet T.B. Joshua’s church was brought down by a remote-control device and not a faulty foundation”.

The famed lawyer’s shocking statement stands in contrast to the position of the Lagos State Government, which has been fighting a prolonged legal battle insisting the building collapsed due to structural faults.

The Nigerian politician added that the helicopter which tragically killed Kaduna Governor Patrick Yakowa and Nigeria’s former national security advisor, Gen Azazi, in 2012 was “brought down by a similar device and by the same people”.

femi kayode facebookThe fiery advocate surmised that forces from within the then Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan’s intelligence were the brains behind both tragedies.

“They were inspired, sponsored and encouraged by certain forces from outside government,” he said. “The objective was to weaken Jonathan and ultimately to get him out of power.”

He then opined that the current travails of another Nigerian Pastor, Apostle Johnson Suleman, were also orchestrated by the same group.

From the onset, T.B. Joshua insisted that structural defects were not the cause of the incident, noting that a military aircraft encircled the building several times before its sudden collapse.

CCTV footage of the deadly collapse, showing the swiftness and straightness of its uncanny descent, went viral on YouTube, giving room to speculations that some form of ‘controlled demolition’ was responsible.

Ihechukwu Njoku is a freelance Nigerian writer (

Former Aviation Minister Insists Military Plane Brought Down Synagogue Building

femi fani kayode

Chife Femi Fani Kayode

A Nigerian former minister of Aviation, Femi Fani-Kayode has come out to made shocking revelations regarding the Friday, September 12th, 2014, Synagogue Church of All Nation, SCOAN’s building collapse that lead to the death of 126 persons, mostly South Africans pilgrims.

The former minister of Aviation in a series of Tweets and Facebook post on his social media page claimed to have carried out investigations into the collapse and is willing to expose the people behind it.

plane buildingHe further noted that there was a reason behind the plane which hovered around the church before its collapse on that fateful day; the target was T.B Joshua and his success.

This was his statements: “The truth about the mysterious plane that hovered over Prophet TB Joshua’s Church before it collapsed and killed 126 people will soon be out.

I’m still doing the research before writing and it is blowing my mind. One thing is clear the plane brought down the building and the target was TB Joshua and his great success.

This was an evil and cruel act and I intend to expose those that were behind it.”

Also, read his tweets below:

femi fani kayode tweets

SCOAN Building Collapse and T.B. Joshua’s Enduring Global Profile

Who is TB JoshuaWhat remains unusual since the SCOAN Collapse building incident is the way the Ministry has been handling the crisis and the disposition of Prophet T.B Joshua towards the issue. We cannot remember when last T.B. Joshua raised any concern in the SCOAN live Sunday service about the building collapse incident. The level of calmness and confidence the prophet has shown is the strongest message so far to the world and those behind the building collapsed that the truth will surely prevail.

They said an honest man has nothing to fear. Prophet T.B. Joshua has proven his honesty as far as the SCOAN building Collapse issue is concerned. The Prophet has shown to the world that he has nothing to fear because his Ministry is the victim and the truth will definitely be unveiled. The SCOAN never allowed Coronal Oyetade Komolafe’s one-sided verdict that was later declared illegal by a competent court of jurisdiction and fake news by the press to affect their focus instead, SCOAN has been making good use of the situation to boost the Ministry profile by confirming the indisputable truth in the heart of the independent minds that indeed Prophet T.B. Joshua is a true Prophet of God that has been assigned to expose and stand against the evil in our world. The powerful evil forces are coming after his life and Ministry because the Prophet is watching over the world and exposing the evil-doers amongst men.

It is no longer a hidden truth that powerful elements in authorities has been working tirelessly to cover the SCOAN attack and has shown they are adamant to the truth, despite the uncut evidence that points to sabotage. The facts remain that no matter the high level of conspiracies by the powers that be, everything will work together for the good of the Church and the Gospel of Christ must be preached all over the world with Power. The handwriting is there on the wall just waiting for the manifestation.

Sometimes God allows evildoers to have their way so we can appreciate the good amongst us. Those with a pure spirit and true Christians that are led by the biblical principle of LOVE knows what Prophet T.B. Joshua and the SCOAN are going through right now from the world and its established institutions are scriptural. True Messengers of God with the world redemption mission are always victims of injustice from the powers that be. The same people that falsely accused Christ Jesus influenced His sentenced as well as killed Him. So why should any believer be moved by the same worldly institution that succeeded in attacking the church, accused the body of Christ of wrongdoing and at the same time want to influence the sentence against the victims of oppression, because the grace of God upon the life and Ministry of the Prophet is beyond their reach and comprehension.

The Ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua stands out among others. God has continued to use the Prophet extraordinarily to positively shape the lives of many around the world. The unique grace of God upon the life and Ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua is what attracts hatred and envy towards the Prophet, just as our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in His days on earth, which led evil doers to conspire among themselves to crucify Him.

South African Scoan Visitor Strange Aircraft

A South African SCOAN Visitor Captured the Strange Aircraft on Camera

They thought the SCOAN guest house collapse incident and the consistent negative Press would destroy the reputation of Prophet T.B. Joshua and affect the SCOAN popularity, unfortunately to them that was not the case, the incident has attracted the attention of the world to the Prophet’s Ministry. If the devil knows that the death of Christ means the redemption of the world from his grip, do you think he would be foolish to allow it? The incident has technically been used to build the profile of the Prophet Globally, especially among those (the independent minds) that knows the truth and have continued to monitor the events that have been unfolding since the building collapse incident.

It is no longer news that foreign missions have continued to seek the Prophet to come visit their respective countries and hold mega crusades in their nations. Are these foreign missions not aware of the building collapse, the military airplane, the CCTV footage that captured the collapse, Coronal Oyetade Komolafe’s one-sided verdict, negative Press and the stands of the Prophet?

Due to the shameless way the Lagos authorities has been handling the SCOAN guest house collapse incident, some foreign missions even wants the Prophet T.B. Joshua to relocate to their respective countries and continue his ministry there if the need arises.

To those who are in authorities and are privileged to be in the position to place culpability where it should be, always bear this in mind that the world is watching. The future is a mystery; our role today will determine our future.


Cannibalism Scoan tb Joshua Throughout his childhood, Mr Musoke from Uganda knew nothing about meat and what it tasted like. However, a day came at the age of 13 when his mother introduced him to a queer diet that would redefine his life forever. After she prepared an unidentified fresh meat with herbs for him to eat, he ate and enjoyed it. Unbeknownst to him, the young Musoke was feasting on freshly cooked human flesh! The following day, the boy was taken to a spiritualist and an incision made in his eye – a physical sign of the spiritual ‘lion’ that had possessed him, pushing him to hunt for fresh ‘meat’.

By the time Mr Musoke turned 15, his appetite for human flesh had grown fully and was well developed. When he attained the age of 18, he began hunting in the dead of night for unsuspecting ‘prey’. “At night, I turned into a different person,” he told the congregation and viewers all over the world whilst sharing his sordid experiences. The urge to eat flesh was so strong that it was beyond natural resistance.

Whenever someone died in the neighborhood and was buried, Mr Musoke and his fellow cannibals would converge at a meeting point where the dead body would be consumed. Revealing how the practice was carried out, he recounted in graphic detail how the spirit within him would direct him in the night and position him in the midst of his gang. They were usually led by an elder cannibal in the community who performed a magic spell that exhumed the dead body from the grave and placed it before the feasting group that included elderly, young and children.

Cannibal scoan TB JoshuaHis appetite for the human flesh grew so wild that, if he found no freshly buried dead body to eat from the cemetery, he prowled the community as a predator. He dug a huge hole at his house with upward pointing spears at its bottom. He placed a seat just in front of the hole – his human trap. Once Mr. Musoke had decide who to eat, he invited them to his house for a chat. He would then motion his unsuspecting victim to sit in the seat positioned before the human trap. Once his visitor settles into comfort, Mr Musoke would push the visitor into the hole. ‘Meat’ had been secured.

When asked as to whether he could recall the number of times he had eaten dead bodies and fresh human flesh, Mr Musoke told the congregation and viewers all over the world that he had lost count. His gory practice of exhuming and consuming corpses triggered numerous disturbances in the community. Criminal reports began to overwhelm the local police stations. Mr Musoke was arrested on numerous counts and was put behind bars five times. Even when he was living as a free man, Mr Musoke said he felt he was in prison each day. This was because his name was on everybody’s lips any time another person committed any similar crime. He became fed up with his life and started searching for a way out of that dark life.

Cannibal scoanAsked what it felt like to eat human flesh, Mr Musoke said he never felt anything whenever he ate human flesh but rather felt physically weak the day after. Having fathered five children with five different women, Mr Musoke had to stay far away from his family for their own protection, citing that the demonic spirit in him knew no bounds and that anybody – whether family or not – could land on his plate.

TB Joshua scoanPraising and thanking God for removing him from darkness and shining Light on him, Mr Musoke said that when Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered him in the name of Jesus, everything changed. He told people all over the world that the urge to eat human flesh has completely left, to the glory of God. He also said that since his deliverance, his telephone has been very busy with phone calls from those involved in the same practice telling him they are also in need of their deliverance and asking for his guidance on how to come to The SCOAN.

He advised the world to put their trust in God for nothing is impossible for Him, in Jesus’ name.

TB Joshua Ministry


TB Joshua

Prophet T.B. Joshua

“I didn’t want anyone to know. I was afraid of what would happen if my family found out,” were the words of Miss Hope from South Africa as she shared her experience of how she started to bleed from her eyes, nose, mouth and even the pores on her arms.

At just the tender age of 8 years old, a man, who followed Hope home from school, attacked and raped her. This was the beginning of the devastation that remained for the next several years of her life. She became a magnet for perverts who would locate and molest her. Someone who she had considered a friend gave her cookies to eat, which were actually laced with drugs and caused her to pass out. The boy then raped her and brought her back to her mother’s house, claiming he didn’t know what had happened to her.

Scoan healing In 2011 she fell into a deep depression. Every time she slept, she had nightmares of being torn apart or being raped in vigorous ways. She would often see strange creatures that would come and attack her. While sleeping she would sweat excessively and would swell. One day she woke up from a nap and saw her pillow was red with blood that came from her eyes. It happened again in 2013 while at her auntie’s house. She couldn’t hide it from her auntie and confided in her not to tell anyone. From that point on, whenever she cried, she cried blood. Every 6-8 weeks she would have these strange experiences which eventually led her to bleed out of every single crevice or opening of her body.

Scoan testimonyOne day Hope’s sister asked to borrow her phone and discovered the pictures of Hope’s disturbing bloody face and immediately informed their mother. The whole family was turned upside down from Hope’s condition. They didn’t know how to help her as doctors could not diagnose her strange predicament. When she began menstruating, her period would last for 40 days at a time, sometimes only having two days in between before menstruating another 40 days. Her condition became more obvious and she was not able to hide her problem from the public anymore. One day she started bleeding from her face in school and the children noticed it. They mocked her and called her a “devil child” because of what they saw happening to her. Due to the obscure condition, she was kicked out of school, because the faculty did not know how to handle the situation.

Scoan deliveranceDepression set in and fatigue took over. Unable to sleep for more than two hours led to severe stress which caused her not to be able to eat. What’s more is that every time she wanted to read her Bible, she would start bleeding from her eyes. “I started to hate myself and contemplated suicide. My mom walked in on me trying to hang myself and saved me.” Each time she tried to end her life, something would stop her from succeeding. The stress of her unusual situation led to hair loss. It started with patches falling out on the side, to eventually falling out all over.

Scoan testimonyTired of being rejected and in need of a lasting solution, Hope sought an answer to her problem from God Almighty. She discovered Emmanuel TV and would watch relentlessly in hope that one day she would receive her own healing. On the road to poverty due to excessive medical bills, Miss Hope’s mother did every proper thing to raise money to bring her daughter to The SCOAN for deliverance. “I came to The SCOAN because I wanted a proper relationship with Jesus Christ. Exactly what I was looking for, I found at The SCOAN,” said Hope.

Since her deliverance she declared that she has received so much rest in her body, spirit and soul. For the first time in her life, she no longer has perverts stalking and harming her. “I am so revived and on fire for Jesus. I am a new person. I regained everything in a double portion.” Since that wonderful day about one year ago, she has no longer bled from any crevice of her body. Her menstruation is now a healthy 3-4 days in duration and completely regular. “When I cry I say, ‘Thank You, Jesus,’ because my tears are crystal clear. Every time I sneeze, I say, ‘Thank You, Jesus,’ because there is no blood. When I cough I am happy because I am no longer coughing blood.” The things most people take for granted are Hope’s greatest joys. Her hair has also grown back even thicker and healthier than ever before.

Scoan testimonyFinally, Miss Hope’s mother testified that her daughter’s marks in school have been in top ranks and that after the deliverance, their entire family has been restored. Hope advised those listening to “Cast your cares upon Jesus for He cares for you.”

TB Joshua Ministry 


Prophet TB JoshuaAs the two days healings, deliverances and Prophetic rivival services at the Synagogue church of all nations (SCOAN) comes to an end today. Their was a shocking confession and deliverance of an Ugandan man, who was into cannibalism after he was exposed by Prophet T.B. Joshua during the Prophetic ministration.

The man confessed how he eats human flesh. He said, after luring his vitims to his house, he offered them a seat, under which thier is a big hole. He would then push his unsuspecting visitors inside the hole. If the fall did not kill them, he would kill them and immediately eat their flesh. He also said, he goes to the graveyard to dig out newly buried dead bodies and then eats their flesh.

Cannibal scoanThe man confessed that this act has even caused him to be arrested many time by those in authorities, because he was being suspected as been responsible for missing dead bodies.

After his confession, the man was thereafter prayed for and declared free by Prophet T.B. Joshua.

Bellow is how the story was posted on the TB Joshua’s Ministry Official Facebook page:

Cannibal scoan TB Joshua“There is a strange man in our midst,” the man of God Prophet T.B. Joshua said. He pointed out the man from a distance and prophesied that he sees blood – human blood – in him. “Do you eat human flesh?” the man of God asked directly. “Yes, I eat human flesh fresh,” the man admitted without a blink. What followed was a violent manifestation of the demonic spirit of cannibalism in the man after the man of God touched and prayed for him in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The man explained that this problem started when he was young and his mother served him meat from an unknown source. Growing up, he realised that he had an unquenchable urge to murder and eat the flesh of human beings.

TB Joshua scoanIn exposing his practice, he confessed he would dig a deep pit in his house which he would cover with a couch, lure people home and offer them a seat. He would then push his unsuspecting visitor inside; if the fall did not kill them, he would kill them and immediately eat their flesh. He said he used to burn many witchcraft items and shrines in order to increase his demonic powers.

He also confessed that if someone died in the community, he and his fellow cannibals would go to the cemetery at night, dig up the dead body and feast on it in a ghoulish manner. On numerous occasions, he was arrested when family members of the bodies he had dug up and eaten suspected him and reported him to the police. He had also been arrested several times on account of murder.

He said the urge had pushed him to do things beyond human comprehension and that it was when he discovered Emmanuel TV in Uganda that he decided to come to The SCOAN to seek deliverance from his gory appetite. Prophet T.B. Joshua delivered him in the name of Jesus Christ.

TB Joshua Ministries