Galatians 5:1 says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

Freedom is the lifestyle of every child of Heaven because it is for freedom that the Father of Light gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, to set the captives free and bring them out of darkness. We are free as long as we stay on track under the check and conduct of the Holy Spirit. Our freedom is the ultimate prize that satan aims to take from us, and he uses our situations and weaknesses as his principal weapons. The moment we lose focus and use our freedom to entertain our fleshly desires and indulge in sin, we are plunging ourselves into self-destruction.

True freedom is the ease of heart and peace of conscience derived from walking with the Lord. When you are free, your spirit is sensitive and alive to the Spirit of God. You need a free spirit to connect with Heaven. If your spirit is troubled by the lures and cares of this world, it loses its sensitivity and is useless as an instrument to act upon the Word of God. In the midst of hardship, persecution, trials, and temptation, let God’s Word be your roadmap because the Word of God is the tool of freedom in the hands of the Holy Spirit. We must therefore be led by the Spirit of God and depend upon Him for strength and assistance, laying our soul under His influence and control.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to walk in Your freedom for the rest of my life, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

2 thoughts on “TRUE FREEDOM

  1. Yes,there is deliverance, healing, blessings, salvation in the name of Jesus! Proof that Jesus is the same today, yesterday and forever


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