Hebrews 12:5-6 says “… My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines the one He loves, and He chastens everyone He accepts as His son.”

God has adopted us as His sons and daughters so that we may inherit the same privileges with Christ. As we walk towards His eternal hope for us, we often fall on the way due to immaturity. Immaturity plays a big role in our present state – being unable to maintain balance and keep a stable approach to what comes our way every day. It takes maturity that comes from faith to realise that our responsibility to God is a commitment and fellowship with Him. This means that we are all God’s children in need of His correction.

Many times we complain of the discipline we receive, but how many times do we as children embarrass our Heavenly Father and hurt Him by our behaviour, our disobedience? Do you know how much pain we have caused Him, how much we have disgraced His name by our worldly attitude? If you say you believe Jesus but do not obey or submit to His process, can you say you are truly a believer? Many claim and present themselves as children of God, but very few behave as one. Because of His Love for us, He sometimes uses our situation to build character in us. He sometimes uses our circumstances to draw us closer to Himself. Let us therefore submit to His process that we may walk in His way and live according to His standard.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, draw me close to You. Help me to follow Your process that I may become more like You, in Jesus’ name! Amen!

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