Ghana Vs Egypt- Did T.B. Joshua Get It Wrong This Time?

TB Joshua Church Lagos |

Their has being rumor going on in the internet by critics of the Synagogue Church of all Nations (Scoan), headed by T.B Joshua, about an alleges football prophesy between the black stars of Ghana and the Pharaohs of Egypt.

According to the rumor that went viral on the internet, they claim that T.B Joshua prophesied a draw match between both team on sunday before the game took places on Tuesday, October 15. Click Here

Anyway, the match ended in favor of Ghana with a massive win of 6-1. Therefore, Critics capitalized on this unverified rumor of draw between both team to start criticizing T.B Joshua. They kept on mocking the authenticity of the prophetic graces in the life of T.B. Joshua and is ministry Scoan.

But thank God for an insider who came out to clear the air about the alleged draw prophesy and exposed the real true behind the black stars victor over the Pharaohs of Egypt.

Ghana goalkeeper- Richard Kingson

Ghana goalkeeper- Richard Kingson

The Ghana goalkeeper, Richard Kingsonn who was recently called back into the Ghana international football team reviews how T.B Joshua called him and prophesied a Ghana victory over Egypt and the qualification of the Black Stars to its 3rd straight successful FIFA World Cup in Brazil to him.

Here are is words:

“Before the Egypt game he (T.B Joshua) called me often to encourage me and he told me you (Ghanians) will qualify and those were the words he used, you will qualify. “He called me about three times on the day of the match, even a day before the match that was Monday night he called me and he said everything is ok, everything is alright you guys will do well”

Richard Kingson also went on to review how T.B Joshua told him he will be called back into the Ghana international football team after 2years without football. He thank God for using T.B Joshua to resurrect his football career both at the club and national levels.

“As usual He (Prophet TB Joshua) calls me often, we talk and he encourages me and prophesied to me that I will play again and my people (Ghana) will come for me, so the prophecy he said about me, all came to pass,”.

Lessons To The World

We should always learn to verify any allegation before we conclude, We should also remind ourselves that our God is a great and almighty God, is works goes beyond boundaries their is nothing He cannot do, He knows everything including the outcome of a football match. It is high time for this generation to embrace this mighty God, God is real, Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with God.

According to a statement credited to Richard Kingson

“You cannot do anything without the word of God because God Himself said you cannot do anything without my word because there is healing, blessing, deliverance, victory and everything in it”.

Stay Bless.