TB Joshua Church Lagos | watchedtbjoshua.wordpress.com

The Synagogue Church of All Nations headed by the general overseer Prophet Tb Joshua has continue to blow the mind of thousands of viewers all over the world from, his ministry large-scale deliverance and healing of different kinds of incurable diseases and sickness. Thousands of sick persons keep on visiting the ministry of Tb Joshua to be arranged in the ministry prayer line for healing and deliverances from their problems and pains. Those arranged for prayers usually come with their medical report as prove of their sickness. And those that received their healing do come back with medical report to confirm that they are healed, when given their testimony live on Emmanuel.tv. Among those sicknesses and diseases been prayed for by the prophet and is five wise men included,  Hiv and Aids which cannot be treated medically.

According to what some world body make us to understand and believed is that, it is only two person that have been cured of the acclaimed deadly diseases called Hiv/Aids. Many ask why those in SCOAN whom have come out openly claiming to have receive healing when prayed for by the prophet of God from the deadly diseases  are not included in the list of those been healed from Hiv/Aids. Those it means that since,some of these world bodies do not recognized healing of Hiv/Aids in SCOAN,that make dose healing testimonies in SCOAN fake?,It is totally NO.


As a true Christian, God has never at a time need any world body to validate is healing and miraculous power,God heals is children as he wishes, he those not take permission from any one to heal neither, will he needs anyone approver or authenticity when he perform is healing. But, that those not mean God have no respect for the world body or human laws. When Christ was on earth he paid tax to the government of is era,anywhere Jesus went to minister the gospel of grace he always respect the laws, rules and regulations of the land. Continue reading