Video: Evangelist Joseph David Defends Prophet TB Joshua Against Fabricated BBC’s Allegations

Admirers of Prophet TB Joshua worldwide has continue to voice their concerns regarding the recent BBC fabricated and stage-managed documentary about TB Joshua and the SCOAN. Evangelist Joseph David, a prominent former disciple of Prophet TB Joshua, recently released a video addressing the allegations discussed in the BBC documentary series.

Explaining his decision to speak on the matter, David cites his role as a former disciples who served under the prophet and was a trustee of the SCOAN Ministries. He also mentions being the face behind Emmanuel TV commentaries since its inception.

While Evangelist Joseph David expresses reluctance to respond to critics, following the example of his mentor, Prophet TB Joshua, he feels a moral obligation to address the situation and strengthen the faith of millions of followers inspired by the prophet’s teachings and miracles.

He dismisses the allegations made by certain ex-disciples as fabricated, coming from disgruntled individuals who could not endure the discipline of discipleship. David suggests that these individuals, now making allegations, once enjoyed the love and care of Prophet TB Joshua.

Specifically, he refutes claims about the prophet preventing disciples from getting married. David clarifies that Prophet TB Joshua only taught that it is better to secure one’s future before entering marriage, emphasizing the commitment and responsibility involved. He mentions a specific disciple, Angelic, who left the ministry because she wanted to get married to a fellow disciple against the prophet’s advice. She later returned with false accusations.

Evangelist Joseph David also addresses the individual who claimed to be TB Joshua’s daughter, named Ajoke. According to his account, Ajoke was not a biological daughter of Prophet TB Joshua. The prophet reportedly found her abandoned under a truck near the church premises, reported the case to the police, and chose to adopt her as his own daughter.

Regarding Agomoh Paul, David explains that he left the SCOAN after being sent as an evangelist to the branch in Ghana. Paul fell in love with a regional minister’s daughter, and the prophet, foreseeing challenges in their relationship, advised against it. Despite this advice, Agomoh pursued the relationship, and the lady later died, leading to his disorientation and departure from the SCOAN.

On the matter of the lady called Rachel, she was possessed with the “Spirit of Woman”she refused to be delivered and left. As for Bisola, known for her continuous rebellious nature, even her mother acknowledged that she is aware the Prophet, whom she acknowledged as a true Prophet of God, cannot tame her.

Evangelist Joseph David’s response aims to defend Prophet TB Joshua against what he perceives as baseless allegations and to reassure followers of the prophet’s integrity. Drawing a parallel between the situation surrounding Prophet TB Joshua and the way Jesus Christ faced trials before Pontius Pilate, David emphasizes the prophet’s choice not to respond to critics and blasphemers in the past, akin to the silence of Jesus in the face of false accusations.

Additionally, David expresses concern about the portrayal of TB Joshua and SCOAN in the media, particularly referencing the BBC documentary series. He notes that the BBC has not published any positive news about TB Joshua and SCOAN, suggesting a perceived bias in the media coverage. David believes that positive aspects of TB Joshua’s ministry and work are not adequately represented or acknowledged by certain media outlets, including the BBC.

Watch the video of his response below: