People’s greatest successes are the result of hard work, patience, persistence, big risks, and many failed attempts. The number of failures doesn’t matter as much as the lessons learnt from them! As any successful person would say, the road to success is anything but easy. The secret of those who succeeded is that they never gave up! A man with a vision never gives up, no matter how many failures he has. Think of a person you admire – an athlete, an entrepreneur, anyone. It’s easy, looking at their life, to be lulled into the illusion that they got to where they are today without ever facing hardships or making mistakes. The reality, however, is that failure is a part of life, but what matters is our reaction when it comes.

Let us take Peter’s life as an example, reading from 𝐋𝐮𝐤𝐞 𝟓:𝟒-𝟕. If Peter had caught many fish that day, he probably would have missed the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ. Thanks to his failure, he encountered the Lord, and everything else that followed! Of course, Peter did not stay put, but directly obeyed the instruction of Jesus to cast his nets again. In other words, he faced his adversity according to the instruction in righteousness that was given to him. This teaches us that disappointment sometimes serves to keep us for a new level in life!

Failures can bring forth opportunities that otherwise might have never come our way. Therefore, let us not underestimate the doors failure can open for us. However, there is one crucial requirement: we must recognize our mistake, accept it, see what we have learned from it, and dare to try again! No one said that our road will be paved with rose petals, it isn’t written anywhere in the Word of God; what is written is that Jesus Christ will be with us all the days of our life, and with God on your side, you can face life’s final road with courage!

🙏Prayer: “Father, help me to not be discouraged every time I fail. Help me realize that mistakes are not a sign of failure, but the lever to my success, and that the road to success goes through difficulties first, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen!”

#Failure #Success

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