As it was so it is; Jesus Christ still empowers His disciples to change the world today! Therefore, Prophet Harry and the CCOAN – Thessalonica continue spreading His Gospel across the globe!

We are more than thrilled to announce the highly anticipated upcoming Revival with Prophet Harry at the Pechanga Arena on the 15th and 16th of June, in San Diego, California, USA! Mark your calendars, prepare to experience God’s power first-hand like never before, and witness the glory of Jesus Christ as His fire expands internationally!

In order to join the event, make sure to book your free ticket in advance, because access to the arena will NOT be allowed without it. Secure your spot today and get ready for a once-in-a-lifetime encounter with God!!!

Click on the following link to book your free ticket now 👉

Remain blessed!

#Announcement #SanDiegoRevival #ManOfGodHarry

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