T.B. Joshua Frees Nollywood Actress From Demons

Nollywood veteran actress, Camilla Mberekpe, popularly known as Mama Eko, was at the Synagogue Church of All Nations, SCOAN, on Sunday to seek deliverance from a demon that has possessed and tormented her for many years.

As the face of the light-skinned actress was beamed on television screens in Prophet T.B. Joshua’s church, many worshippers stood in awe and screamed: “Jesus, an actress too!”

Prophet T.B. Joshua, who did not seem to know the actress, was a bit confused and did not understand why the sudden noise in the church as he stood before her.

“I don’t know you,” he said as he laid hands on her. He asked her to wait behind for the exorcism in the night.
The church and deliverance service was broadcast live to millions of viewers on Emmanuel Television, the Synagogue Church’s cable network aired on several continents.

Later in the night, one of the wise men in Synagogue church began to exorcise the demons from the actress and in the process, she began to talk, although the exorcist later said it was the demon in her talking through her.

She began to confess that her mission is to destroy a very good actress who prays and worships God a lot.

“I don’t want her to go up. She’s a very good actress. I want to destroy her,” she said in a bizarre and demonic tone.
“I destroyed her marriage because she refused to worship me. I hate it when she prays. She is a prayer warrior,” she said.

As hands were laid on the actress and the demon was ordered in the name of Jesus to leave her body, she fell to the ground.

Her scarf fell off her hair and she began to roll on the floor, screaming and apparently resisting the power of God.
The scene appeared bizarre to many worshippers and could shock millions of viewers not used to occultic or spiritual warfare.

At a time, it seemed as if the actress, who has acted in more than 38 home video movies, including many roles as wicked mother and step-mother, was in a Nollywood scene and acting.

The expression on her face appeared funny, serious and dangerous.
Ngozi Mberekpe is a very versatile actress whospeaks English and French fluently as well as her Igbo native language.

She has been in Nollywood since the early days of the industry and she is often cast as mother or wicked step-mother.

Another plus for Camilla is the fact that she is also fluent in French, as demonstrated in the movie “Bonjour”.
She has featured in numerous roles in movies such as Tea or Coffee, Holy Anger, Illegal Brother, Sins Of the Heart and Beloved among others.

The deliverance session was so striking that the four buses purchased by Synagogue Church to cater for the elderly in their church, which was introduced yesterday, received little attention after the service as many people kept talking about the Nollywood actress.

The four buses, T.B. Joshua said, would convey the elderly to church on Sunday and take them back home after the service.

“If you want to reach old age, you must care for the elderly,” T.B. Joshua said in her sermon,adding that many have abandoned their aged parents and grandparents in villages and are enjoying life alone in Lagos.

–Simon Ateba


Sandra Tells Her Life Story As TB Joshua Disciple (Part 1)

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There seems to be much controversy surrounding the life TB Joshua’s disciples are coached to live at the SCOAN. The reasons for the irresponsible inquiry into the personal lives of TB Joshua’s disciples by SCOAN critics are unclear.

Though one would really expect nothing less from fanatical faultfinders of SCOAN, even if it means to intrude on the private life of ex-disciples for any filth they can uncover to hurriedly attribute to their former master as his fruit. As a consequence, it’s not very difficult to come across defamatory articles online featuring stories of supposed ex-disciples alleging diverse ill-treatments and emotional breakdown taking place in the SCOAN premises.

However, there are also growing concerns from TB Joshua supporters that the bulk of these slanderous insider stories online are deceitfully fabricated. In any case, considering the hateful and biased criticism of SCOAN detractors we’ve observed, coupled with renamed and faceless accusers that leave nothing to track, we would say their concern is very likely. But as much as SCOAN supporters would love to answer favorably to the allegations with that assumption, only firsthand insider experiences would hold their sway against these distasteful rumors. It is on this note that we publish Sandra’s story; a disciple who recently contacted us to publish her story. She tells her story from a unique perspective which we presume you would find in-depth and enlightening.

Sandra Hall tells Her Story

A couple of people, claiming to have been “disciples of T.B. Joshua” have “come out” regarding their life experiences at The SCOAN. They aim to tell fascinating stories, revealing “what really goes on”. But they haven’t told my story yet.

I was one of them. I stayed at The SCOAN for several years before I was pointed to my calling in life through Prophet T.B. Joshua, the man God used to reshape my life, my character and my destiny. I have a lot to say concerning life as a disciple.

The moment I entered The SCOAN so many years ago, I realized that I was not in an ordinary place. As I witnessed the miracles, I realized that I was not witnessing ordinary events. I noticed many people following the prophet in the services and during the week I was there and learned they were called “disciples”. This too, was not ordinary. The only disciples I was aware of where those that followed Jesus in the Bible. What had I just discovered?

I recalled that in the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, here were 12, then 72 and many times “great multitudes followed Him”. The same was happening at The SCOAN. As can be expected, in most large public gatherings you have attended, you will find those who believe in the cause with their spirit, soul and body and those who don’t believe at all, those who have come to contribute to the meeting and those who have come to steal from the crowd. Remember Judas sneaking out with the money bags in the small assembly of 12. Such was the case with the disciples of Jesus. Such is the case of those who join the ministry of Prophet T.B. Joshua. Not everyone who joins is perfect and not everyone joins for the salvation of their souls.

At the end of my week’s visit, I had a meeting with the prophet and was ecstatic when he told me that I could stay and become part of his ministry. It felt as if my life had changed completely – but it was just the beginning of the change.

Life at The SCOAN is unlike anything I could have imagined. Every day, I was witnessing miracles first hand. I received lectures from the prophet himself, worked with the ministry’s projects, travelled with them to international crusades and developed a relationship with the prophet, his family and those who were also working with him, people from different countries, with different backgrounds. I met a young man whose family were practicing witch doctors but who wanted to accept Jesus as his Saviour (You can see him on Emmanuel TV). I met people who came for healing, like the girl from a poor family in the US who was healed from a debilitating case of scoliosis, surrendered her life to Christ in response to His love and is still there (You can also see her on Emmanuel TV). I met people who came as if they were on a school field trip, like a secretive technical genius from an affluent family in the UK who came with his youth group and stayed for a time with several of them. I met ladies from South Africa who came separately but lived as if they were twins (You can see them on the Internet). It was amazing. As a disciple, I saw that many at The SCOAN really wanted to be changed and used by God and many simply wanted to get the glory quick, without any change on their part. That was their great mistake.

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As far as spiritual warfare is concerned the first place that comes to one’s mind is the Synagogue Church of all Nation headed by the fascinating man of God, Tb Joshua. SCOAN has distinguished itself among others in the deliverance ministry due to the massive and life changing deliverance that always take place every service day that includes pastors, prophets and their wives. Those delivered every service day are so massive that many viewers around the world through the emmanuel.tv channel wonder if they themselves don’t need to be delivered due to their experience from others that have undertaken deliverance. The deliverance in SCOAN has been one of the most educative experience in the world, the awareness of the existence of Satan and his agent is on the increase among the people who take everything for granted in the name of modernity, human have always seen Satan as an enemy but can’t imagine that Satan can possess and used them to fulfill his own mission on earth.

185105_218320031622114_1709249615_nasd.jpgIn the world of today many individual are skeptical about the existence of God and religion; they do say man created god and religion. These set of people have always looked for means to support their philosophy of the non-existence of God, and most of these skeptics that are advocating the non-existence of God most time involved in occultism and Satanism. As far as this world is concerned, there are spiritual forces in the heavenly places that are beyond human comprehension, and those who have being able to clairvoyance their existence, do so with some kind of spiritual energy and committed devotion to network with this creatures. I always ask if modernity eliminate spiritual forces which both Satan and his demons are part of. If you can reasoned with me, you will find out that most of all this inspiration about God non-existence are from the pit of hell to turn man’s believe away from God, Satan is the ruler of the world, he is already judged and condemned for eternity, but want man to suffer with him in hell but still, many persons sees all this as mere story from religion fanatics and are not concerned about the things of the spirit and satanic vices. Many even see all this deliverance in SCOAN as scam, hypnotize and stage manage, but the confession and personal experience of those delivered are not taken into consideration, we are only concerned about the process of the deliverance not the outcome even the cases of stiff opposition are lost off from our memories.

As children of God we should be very sensitive to the devices of Satan, all of this ideology about anti-faith healing, and the saying that god and religion are created by man are all part of the strategy of Satan and his demons to turn man against God. Also known that, any alleged prophecy (by pastor, prophet, or any group) about the end of the world, crisis among different religions body, advanced scientific discovery with occult background to make Christianity look incorrect, the so much argument about when this long existing world will come to an end; when will the world be judged and many others are all satanic strategies to disprove Gods existence. As Christians the Bible is our standard the coming of Christ and the end of the world is not known by anyone including the son of God, Jesus. But, any one that tell you that with one calculation, study of the earth and any prophecy from some world respected religion body about the end of the world are all deceptive strategies from Satan to make mockery about true religion and to disprove the existence of God. Also true believers are not against scientific discovering because God is the one that motivate scientist to discover, but any philosopher of science and other field of study that their ideology are in contradiction with God’s existences, should not be acceptable because God is the creator of the universe whether you believe it or not.


TB Joshua Church Lagos | watchedtbjoshua.wordpress.com

One of the greatest significant of the ministry of Tb Joshua to humanity has started unfolding, and this is the world prophecy and advice to nations of the world. Tb Joshua has being involved in the prophetic ministry right from the unset of his ministry, he has prophecy on different world event in the past like the princess Diana’s death and others, though during this period SCOAN was not well-known then compare to now. But in recent, the man in the Synagogue is now involved in giving world prophesy and advice to nations of the world on the best way to handle treat and crisis both internal and external among the nations of the world. These prophecies are so clear and informative, but not taken seriously by those concerned. We have cases were the prophet will even send a personal message, but they never listen to his advice. It is just like the political crisis between formal Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo and the current president Quattara, the prophet advised Gbagbo not to contest in the last election that took place in 2010, he said the outcome will lead to two captains in one ship and at the end of the crisis, he (Gbagbo) will be put to shame, but he never listen and later face the consequence of disobeying the voices of God. Is it the America Colorado mass shooting in July 20, 2012, the November 2012 election day mass shooting and the recent Boston Marathon bombing that killed at least three people and wounded more than 170 in Boston, that the prophet explicitly advice that “Gatherings should be avoided or well-secured/guarded”in the United State, and many other world prophesy given by the prophet that have come to pass and yet none of them were taking seriously.

let love lead in the world 2

Tb Joshua, watching over the planet the planet for us

Tb Joshua has continued to play his role as a prophet of all nation, it may look amateur to your hearing, but the fact remains that Tb Joshua have proven itself as the world spiritual father appointed from above, he have stated countless of time that there is nothing that happen in any part of the world he does not know about but, sometimes choose not to say it because of the world reaction. Just like the football prophecy, he recently resigns from because of human negative reaction to it. A match that have not being played and may take two to three weeks to play the match, but  the man in the synagogue will tell the world that he has already watch the match, he knows who, when and how the players will score (by head or foot) and the total score line of the game. You may say that Paul the Octopus do predict football game. Well, Octopus only tell us the team that will win the game but Tb Joshua tell use both the team that will win, how they will win, the game total score line and the player that will score or miss the goal. He gave more details about the game compare to that of the octopus and even Tb Joshua do give other world prophesy apart from football prophecy. Continue reading


The recent bomb blast at the Boston Marathon that killed at least three people and wounded more than 170 in Boston U.S. has being describe by many as a barbaric act of terrorism which should be sojourn and fight against by all means, though the nation Of America still don’t known those that are behind the act of the terror bombing at Boston Marathon, if it is a domestic or foreign trained terrorist group that are behind the attack is not yet known. But the U.S investigators have pledged to go ‘’to the end of the Earth’’ to find those that are behind the deadly bombing.

Just as the nation of America and family of those affected by the bomb blast are morning their dead and wounded, a question that is yet to be ask is, was the America citizens and government aware of the warning of this bomb blast beforehand, if aware what was their proactive action taking to prevent the occurrence of the bomb blast. The warning was “Gatherings should be avoided or well-secured/guarded”. The head pastor of the Synagogue church of all Nation Tb Joshua had beforehand gave continues warning to the nation of America and call for prayers and fasten on Monday due to a treat he see coming to the U.S homeland security. The prophet has continued to give this warning till is recent January19,2013 prophecy which he said, was a vision given to him by God when he went to the mountain for prayer.  Summary of the prophecy: ‘’I am seeing flames; a bomb blast; massacre in a gathering of people; home land security should be tight, tight, tight; Gatherings should be avoided or well secured/guarded”.

When this prophecy was given nothing was done by the America government they overlooked the whole prophecy, they see the warning as another black Africa scam from the Nigeria prophet to either gain another world attention or any other reason best known to them for not taking the warning serious. Now the ugly incidence have occurred the American government are now talking of finding the perpetrator ‘’ to the end of the Earth; when the end of the Earth already lies in our fore head’.


When will the nations of the world going to start listen to the voice of God, why does the world seems to have chosen the ways of their senses and mind than the marvelous light of God that bring peace. Even If Christ come from heaven today the world will still not believed in him, the man in the synagogue have proven itself countless of time from his different world prophesy he have given in the past, that has come to fulfillment. He has publicly stated it countess of time that there is nothing that take place in any part of the world that God those not shown to him except, he just want to keep quite. Tb Joshua do say ‘’you may hate me but don’t ignore my words’’, this is not the first prophesy that Tb Joshua have prophesy about the nation of America that have come to fulfillment and the government have always choose to remain silence when these prophesy are given. What I really do not understand is, why do the America government choose to be silent on prophesy like this that have to do with citizens lives, even if the government never come to the prophet for profound solution to the problem, what is their personal role taken to prevent the occurrences of these incidence after the prophecy was made.

It is hard time for the world government to start listening to the voice of God if will don’t want Satan havoc to continue to succeed in our life and nations, Satan is the cause of killing, stealing and destruction. Know that those that are against the voice of God are working for their master Satan knowing or unknowingly, Satan is disguising itself among the people to commits havoc against the children of God and also turning the hearing of the people against the voice of God. Let this Boston bombing be a lesson not just to America but to every other nations of the world, God is still speaking to is people the world should always learn not to ignore is voice because in his voice there is life, peace, hope and safety. May God bless America and give them the grace to continue to listen to the voice of God. Amen.


TB Joshua Church Lagos | watchedtbjoshua.wordpress.com

It is a well-known debate that Faith healing has being a controversial issue since the coming of modern scientific discovery of advance means of research in talking diseases and sickness. Some philosophers of science has always made the claims that religious belief belongs to history, science will replaces religion meaning, the modern man will no longer be interested in religious believes as time comes and they never support the ideal or believed in anything like faith healing. The religions bodies on their own parts especially the Christians have always stand their ground on the existence of God and faith healing to them, God is far greater than science after science is God; where science ends God starts.

It seems that in the modern ministry of the church, the ministry of Tb Joshua have come to prove to the world that those philosophers are wrong with their clams, not rely because he is the only minister of God that is involved in faith healing, the fact remains that there are other great ministers of God around the world that her involve in the faith healing business. But in the case of Tb Joshua’s ministry, the healing and life restoration taken place there is so massive and mind-blowing that some, medically cannot be treated makes many to wonder if those claims made by some philosophers of science about faith healing and the exits of religion believes in the modern world will come to reality especially now, that the man in the synagogue have anointed five wise men and more are coming he said, which include female (wise women), has established an unmistakable fact that the future of the world lays in the hands of the church of God, and those speculation made by the founders and philosophers of science will not see the light of the day for God is the creation of heaven and earth including science.

Doctors treat; God heals

Doctors treat; God heals

Tb Joshua does say that “Doctors treat; God heals, God is the one that motivate doctors to treat, medicine is Nature”. The prophet not just say it but prove it countless of times through the healing power of God in is life. The question is will medical scientist accept this proclamations made by the prophet of God. But going by historical record, it is well-known a fact that before the coming of scientific discovering and advanced research in the medical field, that man has been taken care of their sickness by herbs and through some spiritual means. In this Modern time, some part of the world like, Asia, Africa, etc. Still take herbs to take care of their sicknesses and diseases, and it has been proven to works for them. Many Tablets of today are made from herbs; God is the creator of herbs, nothing on this earth that man-made that does not comes from nature created by God.


Even Science and medicine have their own limitations, Hiv/Aids and many other deadly diseases in the world today do not have medical solutions. Most of the medical drugs invented by these medical scientists have their own side effect on their patient, more dangerous than the sickness it’s supposed to cure. We have seen many cases of persons that became deaf, blind, loss their womb and some sensitive part of their body after taking some medicated drug. But still the world don’t see anything wrong with that, but we were meant to understand by skeptics that divine healing is dangerous when even medical doctors have killed innocent persons . Are we now saying that medical healing is dangerous? No, but what we are saying here is that God is greater than science and the applauded science have is own limitation; God is the one that motivate medical scientist to treat and discover things. But it is unfortunates that man believed more of the created than the creator.

The annoying part of this is that some modern believers are supporting this false doctrine about divine healing, well sorry to say that these set of persons are not genuine Christians, a genuine Christian will know that both the old and new testament of the bible where faith inspiring and the bible never told us there will no longer be faith healing, but a promise to even do greater works than Him (Christ) if only we believed.

If the world can come to God humbly for guidance the issue of economic depression, deadly diseases, and predicament in the world will be over. When the prophet was taken about “divine economist” he made us to understand that the world economist are only dealing with the surface; they have not seen the real deep things to provided solution to the world economic problem, that does not mean they have not tried in solving the world economic problem but with divine economist on their side, the solution to the economic depression been face by the world today will emanate. This saying also applied to the medical field it is only divine advice from the one that have asses to both the visible and invisible world that can offer solution to all mankind health problems.

IRONIC! The Man I Preached Was The Antichrist Ended Up Delivering Me

Pastor Gabriel Ikpenwa was an avid advocate against controversial Nigerian Pastor T.B. Joshua, vehemently testifying that he was the antichrist, offering public prayers against him in crusade grounds and fervently discouraging anyone who planned to visit his church. However, in an ironic twist of fate, the man he had campaigned against and slandered religiously ended up being the one used by God to set his family free.

“I have actually preached a lot of messages against Prophet T.B. Joshua, as the antichrist of our generation,” Pastor Gabriel remorsefully told the congregation at The Synagogue, Church Of All Nations (SCOAN) in Lagos, Nigeria during a Sunday service broadcast on the church’s television station, Emmanuel TV.

Ikpenwa, who was the President of Deeper Life Campus Fellowship in his university days as well as the President of Nigerian Corpers Christian Fellowship (NCCF), said that when the major Christian bodies within Nigeria, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) had publicly denounced The SCOAN and its leader, he adopted the same stance without questioning. “I took it upon myself as a leader of the youth to make sure that none of them would have anything to do with Prophet T.B. Joshua,” he stated.

Tb Joshua SCOAN

Tb Joshua has remain the most perseculted man on earth both locally and internationally

He recounted organizing huge crusades for young people as well as being a regular guest speaker at mammoth Christian Union events. “You can imagine when a crowd has gathered and you handle such a message, psyching up the youths against T.B. Joshua as the antichrist. You can imagine the type of prayer that would happen in the crowd. We started casting

After leaving Deeper Life, Ikpenwa joined Redeemed Christian Church Of God (RCCG) as an Assistant Pastor while pursuing his medical career and managing his increasingly influential microfinance bank. Soon joining the ranks of young Nigerian millionaires, Ikpenwa decided to look for a wife to stand at his side in ministry. Meeting a beautiful young lady who was working as a model, the fiery pastor preached repentance to her. Moving closer to her, he did not know the deep spiritual entanglements he was about to engulf himself in.

As the pair courted, Ikpenwa had a strange encounter with two snakes who attempted to attack him in his house. As a date for marriage was set, he one day awoke to find a strange man in his house, who warned him to ‘leave that girl alone’. Shocked at the man’s entrance to his locked house, Pastor Gabriel attempted to hit him. His hand passed through the man as if he was boxing thin air and he mysteriously disappeared before his eyes.

The day of his marriage seemed to spell the beginning of his downfall. “I saw myself going down to a zero level after we married,” Ikpenwa stated, explaining that employees in his bank stole millions which led to its premature end. Ministry-wise, Ikpenwa admitted that he became ‘an administrative pastor’, confessing that he backslid in his faith and became someone merely “practicing religion, teaching people the Bible without the power.”

In the search for the deliverance of his wife who was regularly plagued with spiritual attacks, Ikpenwa remembered the man he had fought so hard against in the past. Despite banning Emmanuel TV in his house, an instruction that had been passed onto him by his superiors at CAN and PFN, Ikpenwa secretly began watching it. “I started matching the activities I saw with the Scriptures,” he revealed, deciding to go on an investigative mission to The SCOAN incognito to assess for himself.

“I wore jeans and put a face cap on backwards just to disguise myself because many people know me as a minister. I went to sit right at the extreme back to spy what was going on, not to participate in anything.” After the service, Ikpenwa returned to his home and told his wife that he had deceived multitudes about Joshua, acknowledging that he was truly a man of God. Upon this admission, the couple resolved to go to The SCOAN together.

As one of Joshua’s ministers, known as the ‘Wise Men’ passed by Mrs Ikpenwa, she started to react violently under the influence of a strange force. “That was how the drama started,” the preacher recalled. A demon within her began manifesting and subsequently confessed the atrocities it had caused in her life, including the downfall of her husband’s business, stating that it was her spiritual husband and Pastor Gabriel had ‘snatched’ her from him. At long last, she was ‘delivered’.

Pastor Ikpenwa pleaded with the multitudes he had deceived to forgive him, stating that he had turned many who would have come to The SCOAN for solution against it. “The place I said nobody should go to is the place where I finally received my deliverance,” he concluded.

Advising pastors, Ikpenwa stated, “Many of us men of God act by what the news tells us because the power and spiritual insight is not there. I told people to excommunicate Prophet T.B. Joshua because I believed that my leaders had done some findings about him and they told us not to have anything to do with him. I plead with other men of God to find out the truth before going ahead to form judgments”.

Ikpenwa’s wife testified that the strange dreams of being pursued by snakes and seeing a man sleeping with her had ended following the prayer and she enjoyed sleep for the first time in her life thereafter. She advised congregants to identify their problems, stating that such would pave the way for solution to come.

In his comments, Joshua stated that the persecution he passed through was actually a catalyst for his ministerial success. “I know the value of my trials… It’s a free advert,” the pastor said, stating that The SCOAN has no signboard or advertisement yet attracted congregants from around the world, making it one of Nigeria’s foremost tourist attractions. Citing an example, he recounted how it was the ban on televising miracles by Nigeria’s National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) that actually led to the birth of Emmanuel TV, currently one of Africa’s most popular television stations.

By Ihechukwu Njoku


TB Joshua Church Lagos | watchedtbjoshua.wordpress.com

The charismatic pastor of the Synagogue church of all Nations Tb Joshua has remain one of the most enigmatic and energetic human on earth, going through is background right from is birth to the story of how he was called as a minister of  God makes one to wonder if Tb Joshua is truly an ordinary human being like you and me. In the history of humanity we have not heard or read any were about somebody with this kind of upcoming background. His birth is mysterious he spent fifteen (15) mouths in is mother’s womb; he came from a humble background a very poor family; he lack solid education and his great and mighty works make many to marvel if the man in the synagogue is not the awaiting messiah right in our present  generation. Uncommon happenings done by his mighty hands are the talk of the day including on the internet. In terms of life transformation non  can be compared to him, on a daily basis thousands of sick persons her healed, broken homes and families are united , accurate prophecy for both person and nations of the world and many more as you can name them, make one to wonder if there is anything impossible in this world that cannot be accomplished by this great prophet of our time yet, he stay humble and always give all the glory back to God he never allow all is achievement to put pride in him, he is easily accessible by both the great and small in the society.

many marvel if the man in the synagogue is not the awaiting messiah

many marvel if the man in the synagogue is not the awaiting messiah

It is unfortunate that he remain the most persecuted  human on earth even with all is contribution to human race. There are all kinds of fabricated story, blasphemous video, his miracle program was ban from some local television station including his own country Nigeria local TV stations, these false allegations are so many that some even end him up in prison and later was found innocent. So many are these accusations that have being leveled against the man in the synagogue on a daily basis, that he would be standing on trial even long after his departure.

Tb Joshua has remains steadfast in the kingdom business by transforming life and winning quality souls for Christ. He never allowed detractors to change is focus, his persecutors are only helping him to become more committed and known all over the world. According to him all the false stories and allegation formulated against me and my ministry by my detractors is a form of free advert to spread my name and my ministry around the world.

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TB Joshua Church Lagos | watchedtbjoshua.wordpress.com

There have being different story from different individuals who claim, were one time involve in the ministry of  SCOAN, either as a worker or disciple, all of these persons have published their own story  about their personal experience in SCOAN. Many are these stories that, one find it difficult to believe that an ex-disciple of Tb Joshua will go these far, trying to destroy the image of their formal mentor publicly. Even a lot of persons, find it hard to believe that by any means, this set of persons written all this false story have had any affiliation with the ministry of Tb Joshua in the past.

These stories  are so many that it has become one of the  strong debate online among these unknown ex-disciples who claim were one time involve in the ministry of SCOAN. While a section of them have a bad story to tell about their experience in SCOAN,the others have a good story to tell about their experience in SCOAN and wished to come back to the ministry if the opportunity comes.

My major concern in this issue is on those claims of,  harassment, intimidation and oppression many of them claimed they experience in their stay in SCOAN. But we most first remand ourselves that, there are many disciple in SCOAN, some of them have beenthere in their teenage and are still their up till now working for God, and these set of ex-disciple that are complaining now came there to meet them, they were their fellow mate, they sleep in the same room, work together, attend disciple meeting together and many other activities they were doing together in their stay in SCOAN. How come those disciples were treated well andare still in SCOAN and these ex-disciples have one complain or the other to tell about the way they were treated.  Are they telling us,the other disciples presently in SCOAN are not seeing or experience what they claim was done to them in SCOAN or are they telling us they are wiser than those disciple in SCOAN including, the five wise men that were one time a disciples before, they get to the position they are now as wise men. We all know that, the five wise men did not get to the position they are right now the moment they came to SCOAN, they served the prophet for years as disciples,and even most of them have shared their story live on emmanuel.tv. They were close friends to some of these ex-disciples that have now tuned themselves into a specialized critics of SCOAN.  God who knows the hearth of men reward the five wise men and they are all know all over the world, one of them wise man Harry went to U.S for a revival, and the program was a transformative experience to those that attended the revival program.

The five wise men were once disciples of Tb Joshua, God who knows the hearth of men reward the five wise men and they are all know all over the world

The five wise men were once disciples of Tb Joshua, they were train and mentor by him, God who knows the hearth of men reward the five wise men and they are all know all over the world

For these nose-dived ex-disciples to acknowledge their wrong by adjust their ways, then see if they can be called back to SCOAN again but instead, they end up positioning themselves as an enemy to their formal mentor. This show they never come to SCOAN with genuine motive in the first place or may be they thought that the prophet is a black African fool that will just give them the grace to heal and prophesiers when they just came to SCOAN under the name of discipleship, as if good things come that easily.  Continue reading


Tb Joshua’s ministry has continued to minister healing and deliverance to thousands of visitors who come to SCOAN, to receive a tough from God through is prophet and the five wise men. The ministry of Tb Joshua has continued to grow in the face of persecution and criticism especially, from the ministry massive healing of incurable diseases and sickness such as Hiv/Aids.

Many of these detractors have not come to SCOAN to verify, if those massive HIV/Aids healing that is taking place there are real or not, but they went a hard to critics the great work of God in SCOAN. The only visit case we know was the  mission by BBC in SCOAN London and their later Anti-SCOAN article about an alleged death story of  those that were  told to stop taken medication when prayed for by pastors from SCOAN London, though news of such is not a new thing to lovers and members of the ministry of SCOAN , the alleged story that was fabricated by BBC is well-known to be against the doctrine and the person of the prophet of God who have publicly said countless of time to those who come for prayer in SCOAN to continue their medication before they are confirmed healed from their sickness by their doctors. It was all clear that the stories were all part of satanic instrument to discredit the man of God and the mighty work of God being experience in SCOAN. They never come with a good intention, because if their motive was genuine enough, they would have come openly without sending secret spy and write an unprejudiced article as a part of good journalism.

Many keep wondering if the world bodies are not aware of what is taking place in SCOAN especially; with the massive healing that is taking place there that cannot be healed medicinal . It baffles me if they are aware and choose not to have anything, to do with the happenings in SCOAN and yet some critics are saying that SCOAN door is not open for verification. But the fact remains, that SCOAN is an international ministry know all over the world for is massive healing and deliverance. The ministry of SCOAN received thousands of pilgrims from all what’s of life every week, leaders of nations, ministers and kings do come to SCOAN to receive the tough of God, and some of them have even given their testimony live on Emmanuel.tv about the transformation power in SCOAN and how the ministry have affected their life and family positively.  And some persons are saying that the door of SCOAN is not open,  a ministry that received and host calibers of persons that comes from all over the world, what stop that same ministry from receiving any world  body and media. It is surprising for anyone to say that the door of SCOAN is not open for verification, I believed such a person those not want to admit the true about SCOAN openness to the world. The prophet has openly stated countless of time that is ministry is open to all classes of people in the society, but not those that mean harm and bad for its ministry because as a Christian we are very sensitive to the device of Satan and its agent. As he always say “I love you all only trust in God.”

“I love you all only trust in God.”

“I love you all only trust in God.”

Tb Joshua cannot come out on emmanuel.tv calling on World Health Organization and world media to come and verify Hiv/Aids healing claims in is ministry,  because if he did such many people especially, is critics will interpret it in the wrong way that he  want world recognition, which he already have however.

When the prophet made a world prophecy about a massive shooting that will take place in the nation America that came to pass and many critics says it was by chance he made the prophecy, that public shooting is a frequent occurrence in America. Then the prophet call on the American government to call on all the religion body all over the world to make prophecy for the year and see which one will come to pass, as a prove that he never guess the prophecy. But you know what; the reply was silence because they know the outcome will favor the prophet. So prophet Tb Joshua cannot force anyone to come and verify Hiv/Aids healing in is church. But for those who are genuine and bold enough should come and verify for themselves, SCOAN door is open come, instead of condemning the great work of God in our generation. Continue reading